четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

Fat Loss Workouts for a Busy Gym

Gyms are busy. Too busy. And it is always busiest when you settle in for your fat loss workout with its awesome fat-blasting supersets.

I know it drives you nuts when you are trying to pair lunges and presses while someone is taking up valuable workout space chatting or doing some pointless fluff exercise. Why can't they just get out of your way and let you finish your super effective TT workout?

Crowded gyms are such a big problem that I designed the following TT workout that helps you perform my trademark "noncompeting" supersets - the most effective way to lift for fat loss - without letting anyone get in your way. This new version of TT lets you get it done right, even in a busy gym.

The secret to this workout is the pairing of two exercises that can be done at the same bench and often with the same weights. So you won't lose your spot between exercises. Camp out in your little area, work hard, and you'll get lean and lose fat faster than ever.

NOTE: This workout originally ran in Men's Fitness magazine, but I've actually improved the workout just for you!

Workout Guidelines

· Workout 3 days per week alternating between workouts A & B. Rest 1 day between sessions.

· In week 1, you will follow an A, B, A schedule. In week 2, a B, A, B schedule. In week 3, an A, B, A schedule, and in week 4, a B, A, B schedule.

· Each pair of exercises constitutes a "Superset". In each Superset, do one set of the first exercise followed immediately by the next (1A & 1B) and then repeat.

· Rest 1 minute after completing the exercises in the Superset (i.e. after 1A & 1B).

· Repeat each Superset until you've completed a total of three sets of each exercise in the pair, then move on to the next pair.

· Use a 2-0-1 lifting tempo for all exercises (except for any holding exercises like the plank). Take 2 seconds to lower the weight, pause briefly, and then take 1 second to lift the weight.

· Finish each workout with stretching for the tight muscle groups only.

· For full exercise descriptions and photos, see the Turbulence Training manual.


· If you are limited by time, reduce the number of sets in the workout, but always perform the full warm-up.

· Never skip a warm-up.

o Perform this circuit 2x's using a 2-0-1 tempo:

- 10 reps of bodyweight squats or step-ups

- 20 seconds for the plank

- 8 reps of kneeling pushups or regular pushups

- 10 reps of inverted bodyweight rowing exercise or band pull

- Perform 2 warm-up sets for each exercise in the first Superset.

- 1 set of 8 reps with 50% of the weight you will use in your "real" sets.

- 1 set of 8 reps with 75% of the weight you will use in your "real" sets.

Turbulence Training Interval Training Guidelines

· Research has shown that interval training is very effective for fat loss.

· It is recommended that the stationary cycle be used for interval training because it allows for an easy transition between work and recovery.

· Finish each interval workout with stretching for the tight muscle groups only.

Beginner Interval Workout:

· Warm-up for 5-minutes.

· Perform an interval by exercising for 30 seconds at a hard pace (at a subjective 7/10 level of intensity) - i.e. fast walking.

· Follow that with "active rest" for 90 seconds by exercising at a slow pace (at a subjective 3/10 level of intensity) - i.e. slow walking.

· Repeat for 3-6 interval repetitions. Finish with 5-10 minutes of moderate intensity exercise for a cool-down at a 4/10 level of intensity.

Advanced Interval Workout

· Warm-up for 5-10 minutes.

· Perform an interval by exercising for 30 seconds at a very hard pace (at a subjective 9/10 level of intensity).

· Follow that with "active rest" for 60 seconds by exercising at a slow pace (at a subjective 3/10 level of intensity).

· Repeat for 3-6 interval repetitions. Finish with 5-10 minutes of moderate intensity exercise for a cool-down at a 4/10 level of intensity.

Workout A

1A) Wide-stance Squat (8 reps)

- Set your feet 4-6 inches wider than shoulder width, your toes pointed forward.

- This superset works best if performed in a squat rack that also has a chin-up bar.

1B) Chin-ups (6 reps)

- If this is too hard, perform a Reverse-grip Lat Pulldown.

- Rest 1 minute and then go back to Squats.

- Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next Superset.

2A) Barbell Step-ups (8 reps per leg)

- Use a step that's high enough so that your knee is bent 90 degrees.

- If you have to use DB's for the step-ups, take an extra 30 seconds rest when going from the step-ups to the rows.

2B) DB or Barbell Row (8 reps)

- Keep your lower back naturally arched.

- Rest 1 minute and then go back to Step-ups.

- Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next Superset.

3A) Side Plank (5 reps per side)

- Contract and brace your abs for 10 seconds per repetition while keeping your body in a straight line.

3B) Stability Ball Jackknife (12 reps)

- Rest 30 seconds and then go back to Side Plank.

- Do this Superset 3 times and then go to the Intervals.

Workout B

1A) Low-Incline DB Chest Press (8 reps)

- Set the incline to one notch above the flat-bench position.

1B) DB or Barbell Romanian Deadlift (8 reps)

- Keep your lower back naturally arched for the entire movement.

- Rest 1 minute and then go back to 1A.

- Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next Superset.

2A) DB Close-grip Chest Press (8 reps)

- Push the dumbbells straight up, not together.

2B) DB Rear-deltoid Lateral Raise (8 reps)

- Keep a tight arch in lower back and lean forward as far as possible.

- Perform this exercise extra slowly so that you don't use momentum.

- Rest 1 minute and then go back to 2A.

- Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next Superset.

3A) Elevated Push-up (12 reps per side)

- Place one hand on a 4-inch step or box and lower your body as far as possible.

3B) Stability Ball Rollout (15 reps)

- Keep your body in a straight line at all times--don't allow your back to round or bend backward.

See also Weight Loss Optimal

среда, 27 марта 2013 г.

How To Naturally Lose Weight Fast!

It’s no secret that obesity is increasing in numbers, as are the number of diet products on the market for people who want to lose weight. I personally believe most of them do not work and those that do, work for a certain period of time and then lose their effect after you stop taking them. This insures companies who produce these products that they will keep selling. This is why I am offering a different approach.

When it comes to weight loss there are 2 basic theories: Diet and exercise. That’s wonderful, now what? If you don’t know the specifics of these two theories, then you don’t know what you're saying.

When it comes to diet the products below are by far some of the most effective and nutritional. The best part is that you can continue eating the foods you love (if you enjoy eating fast foods it’s recommended that you stop). But by adding these products into your diet, you will slowly help your metabolism improve. So what are they?

1- COCONUT OIL- has been known to cause weight loss and bring a person to the average weight he/she should be at within their age. Coconut oil is probably one of the only few oils that contains healthy saturated fats which when digested in your body can normalize your metabolism. I personally use coconut oil when I fry potatoes.

If your metabolism is slow, the coconut oil over time can increase it to its average speed. Obviously it’s also best to avoid any fast foods. The idea is to clean your body from the inside so that it gets a fresh start so stop putting the same problem into your system (fast foods).

Coconut oil can be found at your local health food store and don’t be mistaken you may often see a label titled "Extra virgin Coconut Oil". Disregard this label and stick to the original Coconut oil. The "extra" makes you assume there is something more in it when in fact there isn’t. I've personally tried it, and that is how I know.

2- DRINK APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. Apple cider vinegar helps digest the food you consume better so take it after a meal. I also wrote an article on Apple cider vinegar and how it also helps reduce acne. Weight loss has also been linked with a Candida overgrowth that I talk about in my article on acne. You can view it here: [http://ezinearticles.com/?How-To-Get-Rid-Of-Acne&id=684127]

3- EAT FISH AND FLAXSEEDS. Make sure the flaxseeds (which are small brown seeds) are grounded so they digest better when you eat them. Both fish and flaxseeds contain:

Omega 3’s which are fatty acids that help prevent blood clots and help improve blood circulation. The easier it is for your blood to flow, the easier it is for the body to metabolize which leads to weight loss if you are overweight.

It sounds like fish and flaxseeds are the same BUT eating flaxseeds gives you that extra benefit because it improves your digestion and can also rid you of bloating and constipation if you have it. Fish's benefit is its protein.

Drink and eat these on a daily basis:

A) Drink apple cider vinegar 2-3 times a day (1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a cup of water after a meal). Apple cider vinegar may not be suitable for everyone! If you feel uncomfortable after drinking apple cider vinegar, stop drinking it! More information can be found at the above link.

B) Eat 2 teaspoons of flaxseeds twice a day after a meal as it will also help digest food better and will in addition provide nutritional value, as will apple cider vinegar.

Lets move on to everyone's favorite activity: exercise! (Note the sarcasm)

Don't fret exercising doesn’t mean putting yourself through hell in order to get the body you want. Weight loss in this case can be achieved simply by walking! All you have to do is:

1) Walk at least 30 minutes a day at a steady pace. Why is it so simple? There has to be more to it!

No its that simple. You can jog if you want but use logic for a second. Think about it. When I say walking helps you lose weight consider what you already know about walking. You walk, your heart pumps faster which makes your blood circulate faster,

Which in turn makes you functions speed up,

Which in turn increase your metabolism.

Doing this on a daily basis continues to drill your metabolism which will start to show after about a week or two. By show I mean you will start to notice yourself losing weight. So get to work and start losing those pounds!

See also at this site

среда, 20 марта 2013 г.

В киевских в новостройках 'поселят' семейных врачей

При строительстве новых домов в Киеве должны быть обязательно предусмотрены помещения для семейных врачей (участковый врач, оформленный как ЧП) — примерно одно на 7—8 домов.

Как сказал первый заммэра Александр Попов, семейный врач будет отвечать за здоровье около 2 тысяч жителей.

На вотчине Попова — в Комсомольске (Полтавская область) — каждый из семейных врачей обслуживает до 2 тысяч горожан, за что город платит ему 47 грн. за человека (7,8 тысячи в месяц, деньги идут на зарплату им и нанятым медсестрам).

Как сказал нам главврач Киевской горбольницы №1 Игорь Чермак, в столице плата семейным врачам может составить около 120 грн. за человека, тогда их доход из расчета на 2 тысячи пациентов составит 20 тысяч грн. в месяц, которые они уже сами распределят: на свою зарплату, на сиделок и процедурщиц.

Для сравнения, зарплата участковых врачей в наших поликлиниках сейчас составляет около 2—3 тысяч грн. Попов сказал, что первые семейные врачи должны появиться в Киеве уже в начале следующего года.

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суббота, 16 марта 2013 г.

Monitor Your Diet with a Weight Loss Tracking Chart

Benefits galore

There are a lot of benefits you can get from a weight loss tracking chart. First of all, it can serve as your guide so you can see how much you are progressing in your diet. Next, you can monitor the rate on how much weight you are losing per week or per month. Another benefit is you can check whether your weight loss system is useful enough for achieving your short term and long term weight loss goals.

Your own chart

You can download or buy a tracking chart but to save money, you can make your own weight loss tracking chart. All you need is a graphing paper and some writing instruments. Here are some tips on how you can make it:

o Draw some axes at the right, bottom, and left parts of the paper.

o Mark the bottom meant for each day and mark the left area meant for the pounds.

o The right axis is for plotting down the levels of your exercise regimen after completing it for a day.

o Every month, label the vertical axis that serves as your weight scale and then plot the data.

o Using the exercises that you have accomplished, you can plot out daily readings regarding your weight.

Some tips

You can use different colored pens or markers so you can easily distinguish each line from another. If you know how to use computer programs where you can create graphs or tables, you can make your computer-generated weight loss tracking chart for more convenience.

Track down your weight loss

You can also input the following data in your weight loss tracking chart to serve as your guide:

o Your target weight

o Your current weight

o Your BMI

o How much weight you need to lose

o Your weight loss goals

o Guidelines for your weight loss plan.

o Your measurements: chest, height, hips, arms, thighs, waist, etc.

Useful information Lose Weight Naturally - Top Ten Fruits For Health and Weight Loss
How to lose weight Clutter blocks
Best Way to Lose Fat and Tone My Body - Here is the Weight Loss Secret You Have Been Searching For
Diet to Get a Flat Belly Fast - 3 Things a Diet Must Have to Shrink Your Stomach Fast!
Lose Weight Fast by Boosting Your Metabolism

среда, 6 марта 2013 г.

Промсвязьбанк — разновидности кредитов

АКБ Промсвязьбанк — это один из крупнейших российских банков, входящий в десятку передовых банков Российской Федерации. На отечественном рынке кредитов кредитная организация предлагает следующие типы займов:

Потребительский ссуду — предоставляемый АКБ Промсвязьбанком частным и юридическим лицам для покупки товаров и услуг с задержкой уплаты за купленные вещи, с будущим покрытием занятых денег и процентного дохода по ним.

Кредитки — удобная форма кредита наличными, позволяющие получать различные предметы личного пользования без личного визита в банковское учреждение с расходным лимитом с будущим компенсацией взятых сумм банковскому учреждению.

Главными предназначениями кредитных карт являются получение денежных средств в банкоматах или кассе отделения банковского учреждения, а также отзывы о банках в кассах партнерских банках. Также банковские карты позволяют делать безналичные переводы средств, а также оплачивать приобретение предметов потребления и различных услуг. Заявка На Кредит.

В АКБ «Промсвязьбанк» хорошо предложено программы по кредитованию жилья. Программа ипотеки позволяет приобрести квартиру или дом без использования личных средств, с использованием денег кредитной организации, с дальнейшим возвратом использованных денег под незначительную процентную ставку. В залогом выступает покупаемый объект. В тоже время, объект залога страхуется от стихийных бедствий, помимо этого застраховывается жизнь и здоровье оформившего заем.

понедельник, 4 марта 2013 г.

Lose Weight Fast: For Good

I know that you will not probably believe this but I was able to lose thirty pounds in just three pounds. If you want to know how I was able to do it and how to maintain my current weight, then these healthy ways to lose weight fast will help in keeping an ideal weight. I am not an expert nor will my advice replace that of an expert but I am just speaking from experience and I also want to help you too. Most of these tips come from what I have experienced and also from close friends and relatives.

  1. Control your diet and exercise. There is truth in the saying that you should watch what you eat and burn up more energy than you can replenish. It is really a very simple task. You can even stop reading this list now because on this simple principle alone, you can already accomplish your goal of losing weight and keeping it off forever. You don't have to spend a lot of money and time on searching for ways to lose weight because this firstВ fitness tip really works.

  2. You have to change your lifestyle and not just your diet. If you only change your diet, then it will not help you lose weight at all. You will only have a temporary effect on weight then all of it will just go back after a few months of losing weight. If you change your lifestyle, then you are on the way to maintaining your weight on a long term basis.

  3. Try joining an online support group just like the group which I joined in called the Fatblasters. It is important that you are not alone and you can reach out to someone when you are having doubts or problems. At the same time you can also help others when they have problems.

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